
Burn The Empire, The Snuts

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“Burn The Empire” is the second album of the Scottish rock band, The Snuts. The album was released on September 30, 2022, under the Parlophone Records label. The album features a total of 11 tracks, including “Zuckerpunch,” “Knuckles,” and “Hallelujah Moment.”


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“Burn The Empire” is the second album of the Scottish rock band, The Snuts. The album was released on September 30, 2022, under the Parlophone Records label. The album features a total of 11 tracks, including “Zuckerpunch,” “Knuckles,” and “Hallelujah Moment.”

The album showcases the band’s signature sound, which is a blend of indie rock, post-punk, and pop elements. The tracks are full of energy, with catchy melodies and dynamic instrumentation. The lyrics are introspective and often touch upon themes of Politics, social issues and concerns on the modern-day *Empire*. The opinionated album opens with a sample of former Cabinet minister Tony Benn offering a reason for creeping authoritarianism in the UK.

Overall, “Burn The Empire” is an impressive debut album that showcases The Snuts’ talent and makes use of the platform the Scottish band have respectively earned. With its infectious hooks and heartfelt lyrics, the album is sure to resonate with fans of indie and alternative rock music.


Burn The Empire by The Snuts



Track 1: Burn The Empire

Track 2: Zuckerpunch

Track 3: The Rodeo

Track 4: 13

Track 5: Knuckles

Track 6: End Of The Road

Track 7: Pigeons In New York

Track 8: Hallelujah Moment

Track 9: Cosmic Electronica

Track 10: Yesterday

Track 11: Blah Blah Blah

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